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Number Theory
Peter Murphy writes:
>and see the major number theorist in this department, Dr. Keith Matthews.
>He is a really nice guy, and is always interested in writing and/or
>distributing programs for number theory calculations. He even showed me
>one of his newest programs, and demostrated it by factoring 2^71 -1 for
Is this really that impressive? MapleV and my 386dx-20 just factored it
into 212885833 * 48544121 * 228479 in a matter of 23 cpu seconds.
>he teaches, and could I post it to the list. Voila! Not only did he have
>it printed out on paper, but he also mailed me the relevant LATEX files.
way cool. thanks for the legwork..
>{Textbooks: Number Theory}
>N. Koblitz, "A course in number theory and cryptography", QA3.G7NO.114,
Speaking of who .. he's at my university. :) Nice guy; one of the people
who offered to help me with the remailer situation last year.
Funny thing; last year the computer administrators wouldn't even allow a
copy of PGP to reside on their systems -- now it is part of their public
account (student-run officially University unsupported software, usable
by all).
>H. Shapiro, "Introduction to number theory", QA 241.S445 1983,
this isn't the Hawk Shapiro..?
>D.E.R. Denning, "Cryptography and Data Security", Addison-Wesley, 1982,
> QA76.9.A25D461982
Matt Thomlinson
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. phone: (206) 548-9804
Check my home page -- ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/public/phantom/home.html
PGP 2.2 key available via email, or finger phantom@hardy.u.washington.edu