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NBC's Kaul
NBC's Alan Kaul and I had a discussion a few moments ago. Apparantly
a helicopter crashed and this is old news. He has been instructed by
NBC superiors to move on. The downplaying by the NSA was key. It wasn't
another "Pentagon Papers" leak.
He's got my unlisted number and asked if he could call from time to time
to use me as an informed source, and asked to be kept on my mailing list.
I guess I'll scrounge up that abitrary finger data from the AmEmbMoscow.gov
deal and send that to him as an item of interest. Perhaps a CIA hand was
logged on when that stuff popped up on the screen...
This is not a topic for discussion. I know some of you have grown to care
about me, and some rip me routinely. I am responsible and accountable for
my own actions. "Those who risk nothing, are nothing, do nothing, and
become nothing." By the time you rebut, that finger information will be
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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