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Little known facts about the infohigh....
Greetings all,
This was forwarded to me from rec.video.sat. Does anyone know any
concrete details about the CC decoders installed in televisions?
| -------------------------------------------------------
| > ... Here is some
| > important information about the use of televisions.
| >
| > In an effort to gain access to the homes of millions of Americans,
| > the FBI, CIA, and NSA have collaborated on a scheme which will
| > finally bring to fruition George Orwell's nightmare scenario.
| >
| > American citizens will be the unwitting accomplices in this plan
| > as they purchase new televisions and bring them into their
| > livingrooms and *bedrooms*. I'm speaking of the CC decoders that
| > have secretly been mandated by law. These decoders supposedly
| > provide captions to TV shows for the hearing impaired, but in
| > fact they are also rebroadcasters which will allow the gov.
| > to spy on anyone they want.
| >
| > The television already comes with everything necessary to be
| > a spying apparatus. Speakers are essentially no different than
| > microphones and therefore can be used to pick up sounds in the
| > room. The infrared eye which detects the remote control
| > signal also receives an infrared picture of the room, especially
| > detecting heat sources like people. Thus, all that is needed is
| > a way of gathering this information and relaying it to the government.
| > The little understood "Decoder" is the solution.
| >
| > The congress has recently passed a Law (in virtual secrecy)
| > that requires all new TV's to have the "Decoder." This is
| > claimed to be for the benefit of deaf people but that is
| > obviously a smoke screen.
| >
| > How we know the congressional law mandating the "Decoder" is not
| > for the deaf:
| > 1) Legitimate CC decoders are already available for TV's.
| > 2) The law doesn't cover other things, like telephones,
| > which are obviously in the same situation w.r.t. the deaf.
| > 3) There is no law requiring that shows even be broadcast with
| > closed captions, only that the TV have the "Decoder".
| >
| > Clearly we see that there is no real justification for mandating
| > decoders other than for gathering intelligence.
| >
| > How to deal with the decoder: simply removing the decoder will not
| > be an option because it will undoubtedly be integrated in such a way
| > that the television will not function without it. Also, if you open
| > the TV to get at it, you will void the warrenty and then when you
| > get it fixed, they will just replace the "Decoder" without telling.
| >
| > The best way to avoid the "Decoder" is to avoid it by not buying any
| > new TV's. This will be made difficult by the predictable introduc-
| > tion of High Definition Television soon after the "Decoders" are
| > on line. In this way you will be forced to buy a new TV because the
| > old one will not get HDTV. When HDTV is made a standard by the govern-
| > ment, the old style sugnal will not be allowed to be broadcast on the
| > grounds that it interferes with the HDTV. This is all to force people
| > to buy new TV's with the "Decoder".
| >
| > When you find yourself with a TV equipped with the "Decoder" there
| > are several things you can do to protect yourself. First, don't
| > put the TV in your bedroom, this is where the government is most
| > interested in spying. When not watching, push the antennas all the
| > way in or disconnected the cable. Unplugging the TV will not help
| > because the "Decoder" will use passive broadcasting to continue
| > sending its signal. Also turn the volume down when not watching.
| > When you watch the TV, place a candle or other heat source to confuse
| > the infrared EYE. Don't say anything secret or get undressed near
| > the TV. Don't be seen smoking near the TV.
| >
Ophir Ronen <a-ophirr@microsoft.com>
(Myself != Microsoft)
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