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Re: New anon mailer idea?
: Graham Toal's suggestion for automatic insertion of an encrypted
: return address block is interesting. We had some discussion here last
: year of a similar approach, although Graham's twist of using a symmetric
: rather than PK cypher for the return address is new. A few thoughts:
I'm not sure it matters; it was just to focus the mind on the point
that even if a PK cypher was being used in practice, it was *in effect*
a private key cypher because its security depended in part on keeping
the decoding key secret within the remailer. Primarily I suggested
something like DES/IDEA because RSA keys are expensive to generate, and
for this scheme you definitely need one new password for every incoming mail.
: - You'd want this feature to be optional. Some people might not want
: their anonymity limited by having their return address recorded, even
: in encrypted form.
Yes, I agree. I think Eric von Hollander is doing this for *every* posting
in the soda implementation he hacked up impressively quickly, and I'm not
sure that's wise. (Eric will correct me if I read his docs wrongly) I've
a feeling some of his customers might complain when they realise! (*I*'m
not complaining - I think it's great that he added this feature so quickly)
: - Graham is right about the advantages of use-once (or use-only-a-few-times)
: return addresses. Chaum discusses how multiple use of return addresses
: allows these systems to be broken, similar to the way Graham describes.
I also hope Eric is using individually-created DES keys for every incoming
post and not a single shared key. That would be a serious risk. I get
the impression he's not, from his comment about the system being vulnerable
to known-plaintext attacks. (Eric, if I'm right, could you change your
hack to use disposable DES keys asap please?)
: - The use of a symmetric cypher is a very nice way of getting the use-once
: capability, along with the "burn after reading" effect of a remailer
: chain which destroys itself as it goes. But it could be a considerable
: burden on the remailer operator to maintain the database. One possibility
: would be to fix a maximum time limit on how long the return addresses are
: kept "alive" and require some real money to keep them longer.
I'm not sure I agree with that. Actually I think the database management
might be trivial - here's one suggestion. Let's say the invented random
key is a hex string - well, we need 64 bits for a DES key, that's 16 hex
digits, so lets be generous and make our random hex string 24 digits
instead. We just take the first six digits as an identifying tag and
use that tag as a filename to store the rest of the key. The tag is
output in front of the encrypted block too, so when you come to decrypting
the data, it's a straight file-open call to find the correct key. We
don't have the problem here that we do with the pgp key-id's clashing,
because if the key generator returns a clash, it can easily generate
a second key.
(If you're saying that deleting time-expired keys is onerous, well,
it's just a case of mastering the unix 'find' command ;-) )
So if you're saying that finding a key will be expensive, I disagree;
if you're saying that the database might get rather large, I do agree.
Since these reply tokens aren't the same as well-known anonymous addresses,
maybe it's sensible to insist from the start that they have a lifetime
of no more than (say) a year; which can be shortened by user request on
creation, but not extended.
This is a plus feature in my opinion, because it avoids the problems
Julf has had with lots of stale ID's needing to be purged.
: - What we would really like is for the recipient to hit the "reply" button
: and be able to send his mail back. It sounds like this system would still
: require some cut-and-paste. We already have programs to create encrypted
: remailer chain addresses fairly automatically. It would be nice to automate
: this last little bit. Unfortunately, there seems to be no easy way to
: make this work under Graham's scheme.
No, I don't think that any cut and paste is required *at all* over the
normal inclusion of the sender's mail in your reply. The remailer could
grep the body of the mail for the magic tokens that delimit such a
header block, and find it that way. (Allowing for indentation markers
etc - not hard - the current usenet voting software does something
similar) eg if you had:
> : *** Remailer reply block ***
> : jdhfkhdfkshfkhgkhfgkhf
> : *** End remailer reply block***
in your mail, you can see it's still pretty easy for a program to extract
the encoded bit... - just find the magic start token, note the stuff on
the line before it, and strip similar stuff out until it finds the end
: - It doesn't look like this would be an easy drop-in to the current remailers,
: unfortunately. The syntax for how the address would be built up as it
: passes through a chain of remailers is a little unclear as well.
I've discussed this in a previous post. I think it's actually easy.
The very first message goes out from the first remailer looking like this:
(original text is the single line:
which encodes to:
*** Remailer reply block ***
*** End remailer reply block***
which is inserted at the top of the mail.
The next remailer extracts the encoded data, and prepares this text:
and encodes it, and sends it out in the mail in place of the
original block, looking like this:
*** Remailer reply block ***
*** End remailer reply block***
(OK, slight poetic licence here - I'm using 1 1:1 cypher; in fact
you'd expect the text to get bigger each time to cover the binary
encoding method used)
So the net effect is that the encoded text gets larger, but the
mail is otherwise identical as it passes from site to site.
: The idea does have a lot of promise, though, and I think it is definately
: worth keeping in mind for the next generation of remailers.
I might even start using them myself :-)
One more point...
I've been saying that the encrypted reply block is most easily
thought about if *all* it contains is an email address. I think in
practice you'd probably want to be able to store arbitrary remailer
flags in here, like the command 'delete this DES key as soon as
you've handled this reply' - this would in fact be more robust
than keeping the same information in the DES key file itself, which
was my original suggestion. And it would allow fairly arbitrary
extension of the whole scheme. One way of implementing it that
I can see is if the encrypted part of a block was a series of
mail-header-like lines, eg:
The cleartext would be:
Reply-To: gtoal@an-teallach.com
Initial-Usage-Limit: 5
Expire-Completely-After: 12/25/94
Decrement-Use-Count-By: 1
Random-Remailer-Hops-Left-In-M&M-Machine: 3
which would be wrapped and inserted in the usual way.