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Re: PGP encryption

At  2:59 PM 4/14/94 -0400, marssaxman@aol.com wrote:
>Are there any shareware/freeware/PD PGP-like encryption systems for the
>Macintosh? Or is there a Mac version of PGP and I just haven't heard about

There's RIPEM Mac, which I heartly endorse.  Does RIPEM and PEM messages
(can pull your AOCE signer from System 7 Pro as a Unaffiliated User
certificate), and does it quite well.  I have a set of AppleScripts I use
to link it up with Eudora, my mail program.  I can send it to anyone who
wants it, if they provide a statement of their citizenship (US or Canada)
and their agreement not to violate the export or RSAREF license
agreeements.  Also available from ripem.msu.edu, although you'll have to
mail the ftp site's maintainer the same info I need.

MacPGP also exists, but isn't as friendly to use, and is generally
available where the standard PGP is located.


Bob Snyder N2KGO                                     MIME, RIPEM mail accepted
snyderra@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu                       finger for RIPEM public key
         When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.