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Re: (n!+1)^(1/2)
collins@newton.apple.com (Scott Collins) once said:
CO> >For any number n, if the square root of (n!)+1 is an integer, it is also
CO> >prime. (This is interesting, but rather useless in practice)
CO> For any number a, 1<a<=n, n! mod a == 0; therefore, n!+1 mod a == 1. n!+1
CO> is prime. Prime numbers don't have integral square roots.
CO> Scott Collins | "That's not fair!" -- Sarah
CO> | "You say that so often. I wonder what your basis
CO> 408.862.0540 | for comparison is." -- Goblin King
CO> ................|....................................................
CO> BUSINESS. fax:974.6094 R254(IL5-2N) collins@newton.apple.com
CO> Apple Computer, Inc. 5 Infinite Loop, MS 305-2D Cupertino, CA 95014
CO> .....................................................................
CO> PERSONAL. 408.257.1746 1024:669687 catalyst@netcom.com
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