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Media Mass Mailers
From: Llywelyn <samman@CS.YALE.EDU>
Subject: Re: anti-clipper autobomber
On Sat, 16 Apr 1994, Arsen Ray Arachelian wrote:
> I do however strongly suggest that the automail bomber keep records of who
> it sent a particular anti-clipper message to. We don't want to actually
> mailbomb people with 500 copies of the same message. Just one article
::Sounds a bit like Serdar's scheme.
Having had some experimental success with mass mailing the media, I've
already considered the concept. Pertinent adresses would include major
newspaper, TV and periodicals. Items would have to be newsworthy, not
just informational. Personal attention would be paramount. A live person
would have to monitor the responses, personally appologizing for the
inconvienience to those requesting deletion, with assurances that the matter
will taken care of to their satisfaction immediately.
Out of the God knows how many media adresses Adam Gaffin provided me, I had
two deletion requests. One from an IL local, and the other from the Pheonix
Gazzette. Notable persons requesting to be kept informed of newsworthy
developments on the electronic frontier include Adam Kaul of NBC News.
IMHO, we need to use our technological resources to their greatest tactical
and operational advantage. Albeit, ladies and gentlemen, we must consider it
of paramount importance to preserve a strategy of befriending the media,
avoiding at ALL COST a technological alienation of them.
Serdar's roboposts are the classic example of what not to do. I'm sure if
this ever gets out of the intellectual stage and into the operational,
sufficient safeguards for our integrity will have been established.
Version: 2.3a
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