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Warrentless Search
Black Unicorn states:
>The only thing that bothers me more than the use of rhetoric like
>"The War on Drugs" or "The War on Crime" or "The Health Care CRISIS"
>to cover up the fact that rights are being circumvented or outright
>eliminated is the willingness of the population to buy into the game.
>-uni- (Dark)
The average citizen operates from a paradigm of self interest, perhaps
extended to his/her family. If a governmental action does not resonate
with this paradigm- (i.e. "what's in it for me?")- the government action
goes largley unnoticed. When the Reagan administration exhumed the 1888
Law allowing military to assist law enforcement, but not make arrests, I
took note of that because it directly affected my life. Almost no one
else paid any attention to it.
Another facet of human nature one can trust is 75% of the population will
follow a direct order without much question, given the person issuing the
order appears to have the authority to do so. I am Emergency Medically
Trained. When the shit hits the fan, I order people to preform specific
tasks, most notibally calling 911. If a person stands there and thinks,
I order another to do it. It only takes a matter of seconds to organize
a concerted team effort to aid the victim- because I am the responsible
person. They are not accountable for their actions anymore in their minds,
I am.
This isn't civilization, it's gregarious herd instinct ;)
Version: 2.3a
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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