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Re: Warrantless searches -- A sign of things to come?
geez!! !
Here I am, working on my "Big Brother is Watching You in
Cyberspace" piece- and I read this now about warantless searchs!! I'll tell
you- I think we've got to keep an eye on the government. I love how they go
ahead and supercede the rights of the lower classes- if warrantless
searches were being conducted in Beverly Hills or some other mainly
upper-middle class city- the public outcry would be enormous!
People sometimes think I am being "paranoid" when I suggest the
government may want to watch the activities of certain people in our
country via electronic means- however, if the activities of people happen
to go against the current government's ideology, it seems to me more than
possible that they may be watched. This warrantless search thing seems ot
me just one more example that the governemnt can and will do what it
wishes. Um- did I miss soemthing here, or have they also superseded our
right to keep and bear arms? Hmm... gettin a little scary out there.
Julie M. Albright "Passions elevate the soul to great things"
Ph.D Student
Department of Sociology
University of Southern California