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Science frauds

Gun control is people control.

The war on drugs is the war on citizens.

Kill the Clipper (anti-privacy) chip.

   The following article appeared in the April 18, 1994 edition of
THE SPOTLIGHT newspaper. The article is by Paul V. Sheridan.
(Paul Sheridan is president of Dr. Detroit Motorsports in Detroit,
Michigan. His articles have appeared in numerous periodicals.)

   The SPOTLIGHT is a weekly mail order newspaper. Their subscription

300 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20003

current (4/17/94) trial subscription $19.94 for 30 weeks. Since I have
just sort or grabbed one of their whole articles, I should be "nice"
& do a free advertisement for them.

*******  BEGIN  ************

   "Nature is full of the unknown. In the United States a remarkable
discovery was made. Waterside mud contains bacteria that breaks down
CFC's; products not found in nature. Such discoveries should humble us.
But yet there are people so sure of their knowledge of nature, they
make all sorts of predictions. They're like high priests of arrogance;
only concerned with money, fame and power."
         Prologue to the European film: Fair Skin - Stay In

   If a contest were held to award the most scientifically baseless,
politically oppressive, morally bankrupt, economically destructive
environmental farce, the hands-down winner would be the banning of
chloroflurocarbons (CFCs, such as freon).

   Whenever a major action is being dictated, especially at the national
level, you should ask yourself, "Who benefits?" If your answer includes
arrogant "scientists," trendy politicians & faceless corporate bureau-
crats, you can safely assume that scandal is not far behind. Obviously
these do-gooders will proclaim that you are going to benefit because
they are doing you a big favor; one you don't remember requesting. If
you're starting to feel queasy, good.

   When I began studying the theory that CFCs were affecting the ozone
layer, I found less & less, not more, credibility. What I did find how-
ever is that people who will make money on this scandal support it, &
choose to deny or ignore the facts. This trend continues at an accel-
erating pace.

   We have already been programmed to assume that the so-called replace-
ments will cost 10 times as much as CFCs. We have seen CFC costs jump
from 50 cents per pound to $10 per pound or more as supplies are pur-
posely diminished. We are about to scrap billions of dollars in un-
amortized CFC-based equipment, & spend billions more on equipment
dedicated to the new refrigerants since they are not compatible. Auto-
motive customers have experienced their "repair" bill jump from $25
to $1,000 as retrofits become the only way to retain air conditioning.
A similar scenario will begin to emerge for home & office air-condit-
ioning systems.

   A review by SPOTLIGHT readers should include the following questions:

*   The Rowland/Molina theory seeks to convince you that chlorine from
CFCs is responsible for "destruction of the ozone layer." If this is
true, why did Mother Nature evolve oceans that emit an average of 600
million tons per year: 80,000 times the chlorine theoretically supplied
by CFCs? What about volcanoes such as Mount Erebus, which emits an
average of 1,000 tons of chlorine each day? When Mount Pinatubo re-
cently erupted, 10 million tons of chlorine were ejected. Chlorine from
this planet's 6,500 volcanoes has been deposited directly into the strat
osphere for billions of years. Why weren't natural sources even men-
tioned in the theory? Do natural sources of chlorine deplete Nobel

*   Why are the major chemical companies pushing for a ban of CFCs?
What is the status of the international patent rights to CFC pro-
duction? Is it merely a coincidence that the scheduled ban of CFCs
coincides with the expiration of the patents? Is it coincidence that the
companies that are shoving this ban down your throat are the very same
companies that hold the "approved" patents? Is there any correlation
between the business plans of selected chemical companies, & the sub-
sequent emergence & widespread media promotion of this theory?

*   Gordon Dobson, the father of atmospheric science, discovered
seasonal fluctuation of the Antarctic ozone layer in 1956 (long before
the more recent alarms raised by the supposed discovery of this phenom-
enon in the 1980's). Why is this natural phenomenon never discussed?
Why is the implication given that CFCs were not widely used when
Dobson made his historic observations? What is the significance of the
Scandinavian claim that their research on ozone layer fluctuations dates
back to 1925, when CFCs had not yet been invented?

*   If the ozone layer is being "depleted," why has the ultraviolet ra-
diation reaching the Earth's surface been declining for the last
50 years?

*   Why the Tazieff Resolution? Why would hundreds of respected scient-
tists sign a document that states that the CFC/ozone layer issue is a
fraud? Why is this resolution avoided like the plague by the American
news media & the EPA? Why is the Tazieff resolution hidden from the
American public?

*   Why did Vice President Al Gore fire William Happer? Dr. Happer, of
the Department of Energy, was pursuing a scientific review of avail-
able data. He was also proposing more accurate instrumentation to ensure
credible conclusions. Did Happer mistakenly assume that his job was
science as opposed to trendy politics? What does this incident indicate
about the ethical stature of the present administration? Has Gore
decided that the scientific method should be replaced by political

*   Dr. Sherwood Rowland, the co-inventor of this global warming theory,
has been openly accused of scientific fraud by members of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Why has the AAAS
concealed these accusations & the resultant petition to review his part-
icipation in Ozonegate?

*   Why was H.R. 291 introduced? This legislation calls for a complete
investigation of Ozonegate & will probably result in criminal proceed-
ings. Why haven't our friends in the news media told you about H.R.

*   The original design criteria for refrigerant chemicals was that it
be durable, non-flammable, non-corrosive & non-toxic. After 20 years of
development & testing, & more than 40 years of use, CFCs have completely
proven themselves. By stark contrast, R-134, the replacement material,
is flimsy, explosive, corrosive & downright poisonous. Recognizing that
they themselves will not be routinely exposed to this unproven chemical,
what criteria did the EPA use to pronounce from their ivory towers that
R-134 was "acceptable?" If this new family of chemicals is "acceptable"
why did Germany recently ban R-123 due to its toxicity?

   I called the EPA (202-233-9155) & requested their human toxicity
studies on R-134. Under the Toxic Substance Control Act, the EPA is
required to release these findings. They flatly refused my requests. The
important issue for SPOTLIGHT readers is the health risk imposed on our
automotive technicians who will unknowingly be exposed to a substance
that is at least 100 times more carcinogenic than the CFCs they replace.

   The general public will also be exposed to these dangerous chemicals
in their cars, home air conditioners & refrigerators. The EPA desper-
ately does not want you to know the details contained in the toxicity

   The 15th century Europeans were told of sea monsters at the edge of
a flat earth. In truth, the market share of silks & spices enjoyed by
the major traders were being threatened by the smaller mariners.
Similar to the lies told when the earth was flat, Americans are being
told that "The ship has sailed...it's too late."

   That money-making ploy did not work for the greedy merchant houses
of the 15th century, & SPOTLIGHT readers need to ensure that Ozonegate
doesn't work today. An excellent start is to write to your congress-
person & demand that they support H.R. 291.

******  END  ***************

   Well fellow Cypherpunks, what do we make of this? Many of us had
thought that we had gone plenty far by being anarchists or minarchists.
Apparently that is not far enough in order to oppose those that push
us around & lie to us. This article implies that we must also be anti
mass media & largely anti large corporation as well. In the matter of
corporations we must at least be dubious of their intentions & truth-

   This article also serves as a model of big corporate, mass media,
& state collusion in the victimization of their people. If the article
is true, then how can the mass media be anything but corrupt?

   Another possibility arises: Do we have a science & technology that
in a number of crucial areas is controlled as well? Are large cor-
porations withholding science & tech from us? There have been rumors
for years that the oil corporations buy up patents & small innovative
companies to keep competing technologies off the market.

   I find a number of clues that this is true:


1. The internal combustion engine. This type engine has been with us for
more than 50 years - much elaborated on & refined but basically the same
turkey. I believe that it is still approx. 25% efficient. Correct me if
I'm wrong. Its deficiencies are legendary. This is 1994, why do we still
have this primitive? There is talk that we now have cheap, efficient
hydrogen generating processes. And if I'm correct, we can now safely
store hydrogen as an iron titanium hydride. That could enable the use
of engines with virtually nothing but water & energy as its products.

2. Electrical storage. Our storage technology for electricity seems to
be primitive.

3. The Sun gives us an astronomical amount of free energy but we are
still mostly inept at capturing it.

4.Fifteen years or so ago, there was a high budget program funded by
the Federal govt. for large corporations to find a cheap way to get
petroleum products without petroleum. This was at the time of the Arab
oil embargo & was considered of great importance. Hadn't anyone ever
heard of the FISCHER-TROPSCH reaction. We have lots of coal! Excerpt

from the book, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, by K. Peter C. Vollhardt University
of California, Berkeley. Published by W. H. Freeman & Company.
   "Another catalytic reaction of synthesis gas that furnishes alcohols,
but only as by-products, is the cobalt- or iron-mediated formation of
hydrocarbons usable as fuels & oils. This reaction was discovered at
about the turn of the century & developed in Germany beginning in the
1920s. Its application enabled that country to supply its energy (part-
icularly gasoline) needs from coal during the 2nd World War, when its
supply of petroleum was virtually shut off. The process is known as the

                   Co or Fe,pressure, 200-350C
n CO + (2n +1) H2 _____________________________> CnH2n+2 + n H2O

At the height of production, in 1943, more than 500,000 tons of hydro-
carbon & other products (gasoline, diesel fuel, oils, waxes, & deter-
gents) were made in Germany by this process. Currently(1987), South
Africa is the only country that satisfies a substantial amount of its
fuel needs by use of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction."

   Synthesis gas (a mixture of CO & H2) is produced by a cheap, simple
industrial process from the gasification of coal in the presence of

5. The medical industry. Cancer rates are going up in spite of gigantic
amounts of money spent on research. We run into one health calamity
after another. The FDA is busy trying to outlaw alternative health
methods & currently have laws against free speech on health claims
even when backed up by research. The FDA only wants health speech that
it has certified. Incidentally, remember Tryptophan - a naturally
occurring amino acid that was was good for many things including
insomina & jangeled nerves. After the Tryptophan scare, Trytophan was
outlawed by the FDA. This in spite of the fact that it was proved that
ONE Japanese company had produced ONE bad batch of Tryptophan & that was
THE SINGLE CULPRIT in the "tryptophan sickness". The reason that tryto-
phan was pulled off the market was that it was TOO GOOD at doing what wa
claimed for it & too safe. It was cutting into the pharmaceutical
companies sales of dangerous drugs that competed with it.

   Serious alternative health enthusiasts are aware of many other state
atrocities involving non-medical health methods.

   Nothing succeeds like failure! - At least for a government protected
monopoly. The medical/pharmaceutical industry continues to receive a
higher percentage of the U.S. national product. My diagnosis: the
condition of the medical/pharmaceutical industry improves;
the patients are failing.


    We who oppose the oppressive state must be alert for attacks from
other quarters. The state is aided & abetted by a corrupt & lying mass
media. At times the people are duped by large corporations acting in
concert with the state & the mass media. Caution & independence must
be used against several quarters simultaneously.

   This is an outrage! It reminds me of the old Soviet Union in which
only a few percentage points of the people were in the Communist
Party & therefore most of the population did not expect decent treatment
or the truth. It is also remindful of the Feudal system in which a
small minority ruled & took while the majority were exploited. Of
course, there were explanations why this cruel structure was right.

   In the U.S., the population is proud of its freedom & its knowledge
while being terribly politically ignorant. Are we that far removed from
the old Soviet Union & the Feudal rule? Are the American masses both
lied to & exploited systematically as the masses have been for thousands
of years. It seems to me that in the U.S., the masses have gotten a much
easier life due to some technological innovations & that the RULE BY
LIE has gotten so much more sophisticated. In justice to the American
political founders, I concede that for approximately the first 120 years
the American masses enjoyed remarkable freedom. However, for the last 90
years the control thugs have been slowly re-capturing us.

   We have given away our lost power by giving away our responsibility.
We have believed that the big dogs have gotten to where they are by
being better than we, by being smarter, & by working harder. We also
have a weakness with gullibility. We have a difficult time believing that
a high status person could consistly & often lie to us. Possibly, that
is a kind of genetic weakness of the masses: inability to disbelieve
high status people.

   I do not wish to leave us without hope. We now have the INTERNET! -
A people's mass media where everything does not pass though a
crooked chokepoint. We now may easily & quickly exchange news with
people all over the world. We also have public key cryptography!
This guarantees our ability to conduct conversations all over the
world & be as private as we wanna be! Records & private writings may
be kept in effectively unbreakable strong cryptography. With these tools
we may be able to break the yoke of the state & its collaborating
                                Gary Jeffers

                                PUSH EM BACK!  PUSH EM BACK!
                                WWWAAAYYY   BBBAAACCCKKK!
                                BBBEEEAAATTTT   STATE!

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