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Re: BEST Inc.

Simple solution to this problem, especially if you have strong magnets 
around.... De-magnitize the card.  

If you are a ham operator, you can use the magnetic mount on the basis of 
your mobile antenna whip.  If you're not, get a big magnet...

Evidence, Inc.       |   The Internet Cops are watching, 
Evidence@Nowhere.Nil |       aren't they?                

On Mon, 18 Apr 1994 SGT=DARREN=S.=HARLOW%ISB%MCTSSA@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil wrote:

> 	I was in a BEST store yesterday, and attempted to pay by check.  They 
> asked for ID to verify the check and when I handed them my military ID, they  
> asked for my driver's license instead.  I gave them my driver's license and 
> they used it and the magnetic strip on the back of it to verify my check.  I 
> noticed on their computer screen that it had all of my info, as in birthdate, 
> address, driver's license number, the routing number for the bank I am with, 
> and my checking account number.  They also have notices up that say they 
> index everything by your phone number.  I asked them what they were using all 
> of this information for, and they said for their marketing purposes.  I was