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Another invasion of privacy
There was an AP story yesterday about how several states are using
prisoners to input data about traffic accidents and such into
databases. I believe the state that they focused on was Arkansas. An
attorney received a phone call that his SSN was being sold by prisoners
that had gotten it from an accident report. The state allows people to
use their SSN as their drivers license number. This prisoners also have
access to everything else on the report, your license number, your home
address and potentially your work and home phone number. Does anybody
know what other states are using prisoners for this type of work? I'm
about ready to cut up all my credit cards and start paying cash for
everything that I buy.
Mike Markley || The opinions here do not represent the
mmarkley@microsoft.com || opinions of my employer. Attempts to
|| associate the two are pointless.
"I want to look at life, In the available light"
- Neil Peart -