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I've found anon.penet.fi to be VERY slow lately, remails taking on the
order of 3-5 days, which makes it impossible to use. Of course, like the
rest of them, it's free and a service to the Net and a needed utility, so
I'm not going to complain. However, it has forced me to look elsewhere
and find faster ones...
I did write to help@ and ask if there was a problem...for the general
benefit of cryptogensia everywhere, here's the reply I got:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 19:34:47 +0200 (EET DST)
From: Mari (Black Panther) Sepp{ <zarr@gamma.hut.fi>
To: This Space For Rent <afabbro@umich.edu>
Subject: Re: Slow Remail
> How long is mail from anon.penet.fi supposed to take? People were
> telling me that it was taking a while, so I test e-mail myself something
> on 10:00AM local time on the 8th. Just received it at 4:30AM here on the
> 10th, which means it took nearly two days. Is this normal?
Some users have flooded the server with hundreds and hundreds of messages.
That slows the server down greatly (posting and e-mailing times up to 3 days).
Some messages might have even disappeared because these hundreds of messages
fill up the diskspace and there is no more room for new messages.
Be patient.
Sorry about the inconvenience,
Andrew Fabbro If laws are outlawed,
weltschmerz@umich.edu only outlaws will
University of Michigan have laws. Fnord.
Finger afabbro@churchst.ccs.itd.umich.edu for PGP public key.
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