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Re: Privacy and the lack thereof.
On Tue, 19 Apr 1994, Jim Sewell - KD4CKQ wrote:
> name/id. Safe at last, or are you? What if "they" analyzed all the
> ATM machines in that general area and got a report of everyone who
> withdrew Gun_Price + 0-to-100 dollars. (Spending money). They could
> narrow it down and eventually, since they suspect you anyway, get your
> pix from the ATM video camera. Take this to the gun man and you're id'd.
> My point? Does everyone do what I do... carry little cash and when you
> want to buy something with cash go to a machine and take it out within an
> hour of your purchase? It seems to me if this is typical then we need to
> look at changing that habit since it can lead someone to you, albeit with
> great difficulty.
Jim, I am so glad I am not as paranoid as you. It would make my life a
very distubing and scarry place to be. I am also glad that you *are* that
paranoid, because I wouldn't have thought of that and it's the kind of
thing that at least needs to be _mentioned_ in any serious discussion of
security, privacy, anonymity, etc... even if it is hard to do anything to
deter such a determined and powerfull (hopefully imaginary) opponent.
Next time I make an illegal puchase, I'll be sure to have my picture
taken at an ATM 10 miles away *at the same time* as the purchase is being
made. If 'the infamous they' attempt such a corrolation, they will
discover proof posotive that I did *not* make said purchase! <g>
Happy Hunting, -Chris.
Christian Douglas Odhner | "The NSA can have my secret key when they pry
cdodhner@indirect.com | it from my cold, dead, hands... But they shall
pgp 2.3 public key by finger | NEVER have the password it's encrypted with!"
cypherpunks WOw dCD Traskcom Team Stupid
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