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Re: Privacy and the lack thereof.

<My computer told me that Graham Toal said:>
> Anyway, if they just want your picture for ID, it doesn't have to
> be from the most recent bank transaction.  People's pictures are
> floating around

Yes, this is true, but a picture from the ATM machine will place you
as the one who got the bill instead of the thief that took your card
and guessed your PIN.  Proof is hard with current levels of tech since
you can't prove something of this nature with computer files.  Afterall,
it may not even be me typing this right now... You'd have to be here to
"catch" me to prove it in court (assuming a sane jury :).
  Take care

(Graham, sorry I sent you a second copy in mail... I forgot to check
  the header before sending. )

   Tantalus Inc.        Bringing people together     Jim Sewell-KD4CKQ
2407 N. Roosevelt Blvd.   to have a little fun.  Internet: jims@mpgn.com
Key West, FL  33041                               	  CIS: 71061,1027
  (305) 293-8100    "We keep coding and coding and coding..."