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Re: Safeway + Your Privac

To: cypherpunks@toad.com

P >Hmmm... In this scenario, wouldn't Safeway wind up eating the bad 
P >checks?  I realize that it would be a royal pain in the ass for the
P >victim (the checkbook owner) to sort out the mess, but it would seem to
P >me that the victim could prove that he/she didn't sign the checks,
P >leaving Safeway in the position of having exchanged groceries for
P >worthless paper.

In the case of a forged drawer's signature (forged signature of the 
account holder) on a check, the bank that pays on the forgery is liable.  
This is because in theory a check is an order to your bank to pay on your 
order and a forgery is not a valid order from you.

If a check is paid based on a forged *endorsement* on the other hand, the 
transaction can be walked back until the person who first accepted the 
forged endorsement is stuck with the loss.  This is because everyone in 
the endorsement chain has a claim that is based on the validity of prior 


Privacy 101:  If you don't want to answer the questions on the form 
because they invade your privacy -- don't.  If you want to complete the 
form to get something out of someone -- lie.  The best way to lie on a 
form is to select answers out of the "answerspace" of potential answers 
that give no useful information about you.  Given the complexity of human 
existance, "answerspace" is large enough that you can usually select 
"true" answers about you that give no useful information.  

Name: Whatever
Address: Mail Drop
Phone Number: Voice Mail
SS#:???-??-???? Something vetted by SSN.EXE
Last Address: Somewhere Overseas
Photo ID: Employment/Student ID
Credit Card: Secured VISA card
Health Security Card:  Sorry, I'm a non-resident alien.

*Netiquette Alert -- Signature longer than message.*
--- WinQwk 2.0b#1165