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Please be sure to post the article for us if it _does_ go into the 
circular file... if it doesn't the ILF will take care of things.

Happy Hunting, -Chris.

Christian Douglas Odhner     | "The NSA can have my secret key when they pry
cdodhner@indirect.com	     | it from my cold, dead, hands... But they shall
pgp 2.3 public key by finger | NEVER have the password it's encrypted with!"
cypherpunks         WOw            dCD           Traskcom          Team Stupid
  Key fingerprint =  58 62 A2 84 FD 4F 56 38  82 69 6F 08 E4 F1 79 11 

On Wed, 20 Apr 1994, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> C'punks,
> I just got off the phone with the Executive Editor of "Soldier of 
> Fortune."  I pitched him on a Clipper/strong-encryption article.  Because 
> I am such a loyal C'punk, I agreed to write a 2500 word article on spec.  
> If they don't think it will interest their readers, it will be put in the 
> circular file.  I'll do my best.
>  S a n d y