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Re: Milgram & Authority (+Ethics)

> Jeff Davis writes:
> >
> >I am semi-retired, and was quitely living out my life in
> >Wyoming until John Perry Barlow declared revolutionary war in cyberspace.
> Just out of sheer, perverse curiousity, if you're located in Wyoming, why
> in the world is your email address on a host located in Santa Cruz County,
> California?
> --
> Lefty (lefty@apple.com)

I am a local call from a T5.  I have an appointment with my State Senator
Friday to talk to him about telnet access from basic phone service becoming
a State Right of residents.  Ma Bell can switch on the ISDN, and people can
send their children to public schools with out fear of them being shot in 
the lunch room.  The Community College System, and the University of Wyoming,
maintain a plethora of satellite uplinks.  The modem pools need to be 
substantially upgraded, and blocked from out of state long distance calls.

With these modifications of the existing system, it is my hope that we can
revitalize our economy, and switch from an energy industry based economy
to a technologically based economy, with out the infusion of centralized
industry moving into a state with limited water resources.

Y'all kinda keep this under your hat, will ya? >;)   
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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