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Re: FYI (fwd)

On Apr 21,  0:57, Robert A. Hayden wrote:
> Subject: FYI (fwd)
> This was forwaded from Gaynet, I have removed the posters's name to
> prevent outting someone what doesn't want to be.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 20 Apr 1994 21:40:21 GMT
> Trust Congress? Not With This Unbelievable Lair of Slop
> PC Computing, April 1994, page 88.
> By John C. Dvorak
>  When Vice President Gore began talking about the Information Highway,
>  we all knew the bureaucrats would get involved more than we might
>  like. In fact, it may already be too late to stop a horrible Senate
>  bill from becoming law.
>  The moniker -- Information Highway -- itself seems to be responsible
>  for SB #040194. Introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy, it's designed to
>  prohibit anyone from using a public computer network (Information
>  Highway) while the computer user is intoxicated. I know how silly this
>  sounds, but Congress apparently thinks that being drunk on a highway
>  is bad no matter what kind of highway it is. The bill is expected to
>  pass this month.
>  blah, blah...

April Fools.

 gerald.r.martinez@att.com  /  grmartinez@attmail.att.com  /  att!drmail!grm
 @ AT&T GBCS Bell Labs, Denver  (303) 538-1338
 @ WWW: http://info.dr.att.com/hypertext/people/grm.html
 & life is a cabernet						...o&o )))