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Re: You Will
People seem to be enjoying the AT&T parodies, so here are more
that floated back when the originals made the rounds where I work.
>Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 14:02:53 PDT
>Subject: Re: You Will
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>I forwarded the You Will stuff around a bit. Got this sent back.
>----- Begin Included Message -----
>Subject: Re: You Will
>Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 3:33:27 PDT
>X-Lines: 15
>Have you ever...
>gotten a bill for an increase in your health insurance rates along with a
>form letter saying, "we've noticed an increase in your consumption of
>meats, dairy products, and sugars as reflected in the online records of
>your supermarket purchasing patterns..." ....? YOU WILL!
>Have you ever...
>had your car impounded as you try to pass through a tollbooth, and the cop
>says, "our scanners correlated your license plate number with the database
>of unpaid parking tickets..." ...? YOU WILL!
>----- End Included Message -----
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"Sure, people mistake me for straight, but when I do get
someone in bed,that's when being a femme *really* pays
off." -Bryna Bank, on Butch/Femme
jamie lawrence jamiel@sybase.com