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Re: National Militia Ultimatum!
tim werner scribbles:
> >Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 13:34:36 -0600 (MDT)
> >From: Ryan R Snyder <cs000rrs@selway.umt.edu>
> > WHEREAS, the federal government of the United States of America is
> >constrained by the law of the United States Constitution, the Supreme law o=
> >f
> >this country, to limited jurisdiction, and limited power; and
> I don't have the time to read text that has words like "o=
> f"
> in it.
> Sorry.
Ahhh, the wonders of MIME. That's quoted-printable content, since apparently
some of the characters are 8-bit. My mail readers has no problem with it.
You might want to find a reasonably recent mail reader, that understands MIME.