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Re: Spotlight
On Sportlight, I recall someone (Factsheet 5?) recommending another pub,
the quarterly Paranoia (which you can actually buy on newsstands in NYC),
because "they get a lot of stuff from Spotlight, so you won;t have to
soil you hands with the original source." It's a fine magazine, and even
has an email address: paranoia@aol.com (but would a paranoid use email?)
James O'Meara
Proskauer Rose Goetz & Mendelsohn E-mail: prgm@class.org
1585 Broadway Voice: 212-969-5021
New York, NY 10036 Fax: 212-969-2900
On Fri, 22 Apr 1994, David Mandl wrote:
> > From: wcs@anchor.ho.att.com (bill.stewart@pleasantonca.ncr.com +1-510-484-6204)
> > The Spotlight *used* to be a really revolting rag; some people I was
> > talking to recently who were selling it said they've tried to get rid
> > of the anti-Semitism and racist hate stuff that the Carto folks were pushing
> > and concentrate more on Truth (or whatever the conspiracy-wacko version of
> > Truth is at any given time :-). I didn't buy their magazine to find out
> > if it's really improved or if they're just saying it, but it was nice to
> > hear them say it.
> Bill--
> Far as I know, things haven't really changed. What the Spotlight and
> other papers/organizations like it have been doing recently is trying
> to clean up their public image to gain respectability and a wider
> audience (look at David Duke himself, for example). They've been
> fairly successful, unfortunately. There's been an increased interest
> in the last few years in conspiracy theories and the like (an interest
> I share), and as a result the readership of papers like the Spotlight
> has been growing. I think that if you flipped through a copy of the
> Spotlight today, you'd merely get the impression that they're healthy
> skeptics trying to expose the misdeeds of the government and other evil
> conspirators. Fair enough. But their real agenda hasn't changed.
> My analysis:
> The recent growth of these organizations shows that there's been a real
> increase in interest in anarchistic ideas and distrust of authority
> among the general public. Good news. The bad news is that there are
> various vermin waiting in the wings to take advantage of people's
> openness to new and "radical" ideas. Caveat emptor.
> > The other magazine called "Spotlight" I've run into is the New Jersey
> > Symphony Orchestra's program handout, truly a hotbed of radical
> > something-or-other-ism :-)
> Sounds dangerous to me. I'd watch out.
> --Dave.