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your Clipper video testimony wanted

Forwarded message:
From: blogan@crash.cts.com (Barry Logan)
Subject: Re: vid testimony
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 11:51:17 -0800

******    P A P E R   T I G E R   T V   S O U T H   W E S T   *******

For Immediate Release      4.20.94               *Distrubute Widely*

This is a request for submissions of video testimony regarding Clipper.

The public is increasingly becoming aware of the Clipper. Hearings are
scheduled to held on April 27 and May 3, 1994 by Sen. Patrick Leahy's
(D-VT), of the Senate Judiciary's Technology and the Law Subcommittee,
the subject of which will be the Clipper initiative and the FBI's
draft Digital Telephony surveillance bill.

Momentum is building, get involved. Unless the conquest of cyberspace
goes unchallenged by the public-at-large, First and Fourth Amendment
rights will be abrogated in a "fait accompli" out-of-sight of
democratic processes.

This is a battle that cannot be won if fought solely in cyberspace.
The implementation of draconian measures calls for innovative counter
measures. We propose to take arguments against the Clipper proposal to
the public with a video. Fighting with the traditional weapons of mass
media  will get the attention of the wider net-disinterested audience
(most of whom will intersect with the net in the future), than relying
on the net alone to conjure the necessary outcry to make Clipper an
issue of public

We need your collected clips to put together a composite
argument. It will be distributed to public access television
stations, key legislators, and also be made available to the general

Submission guidelines: - DEADLINE MAY 8TH
-Send us a video of you containing your most cogent thoughts and
  passionate statement regarding Clipper.

-Please limit your comments to privacy issues in general and
  Clipper in particular.

-Send original tapes (we'll return them) in any format, 8mm, Hi8, VHS.
  Hi8 is the best.

-Because of both the nature of video and the nature Clipper,
  guerrilla theater is encouraged.

-Submissions of arguments in favor of Clipper will also be considered
  for inclusion.

-Contributions from outside the U.S. are welcome.

-Suggestions about content and/or format welcome.

-Please send your video as soon as possible, but no later than May 8th
 for consideration.

Information about Paper Tiger:
Paper Tiger TV is a non-profit volunteer collective based in
Manhattan, with working groups in San Diego (PTTV Tiger South West)
and San Francisco (PTTV West).

Paper Tiger TV produces 30 minute programs shown weekly on public
access cable TV and distributed to cable stations, colleges and
libraries across the country. The collective has been working for
nine years with critical readings on many areas of cultural production
including advertisement, TV, films, mainstream publications and
cultural events.

Although there is no confirmation, it is  likely that the finished
tape will be uplinked by Deep Dish TV: an association of community and
independent producers, public access and cable programmers; a national,
alternative satellite network with multi-racial, multi-regional
representation producing and distributing television that has a point of

We hope that our shows will inspire, educate and empower the
political movements that we are a part of.

Mail your tapes to:

                   VIEWING HABITS
                   3270 MT.AACHEN AVE.
                   SAN DIEGO, CA 92111

We are including Herb Sciller's "Plunge into cyberspace". Well known
lefty media critic and guru of our collective. 

This is a historic moment, don't blow it. Make history, make  video.