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CU Crypto Session Sat
If old Sam gets his butt in gear, I should have a tape of the crypto
session in Boulder yesterday to transcribe. Here's a brief report of the
doings. Dr. Dorthy Denning of Georgetown University presented the escrowed
encryption proposal. She was talking Boy Scouts and telephones, teaching
kindergarten. Escrowed encryption was heinously soft peddled by Denning.
The ramifications of escrowed encryption privacy violations by the
intelligence communities was avoided during the initial presentation. She
assured everyone that the FBI, with probable cause, would get a court order
for the escrowed keys from NIST and DoJ.
Rebutting was Phil Zimmerman, who was applauded when introduced as being
under criminal investigation. Phil talked civil liberties, and some of the
uses PGP was finding in countries not nearly as free from gov't intrusion
as the United States. Phil brought up the point that intelligence agencies
do not play by the same rules as the DoJ and FBI.
Ken Klingenstein, CU director of comp. networking services, brought up the
most interesting news to me. His perception of the DoD people he was in
contact with was that they considered the escrowed encryption quagmire an
NSA problem and were providing Klingenstein with helpful information.
Denning had been nervous through out her presentation and response to the
rebuttals of Phil and Ken. Again she avoided the issue of intelligence
community intrusion, focusing on organized crime.
I spoke to Denning briefly after the session. Eli Nixon, an investigator
for the Zimmerman defense, and I proposed legalization for the drug problem.
Denning sugested that organized crime would move into new territory in such
an event. Slavery. (I found that rather anti-climactic after her dramatic
measured pause for effect).
Denning mentioned terrorists. I rebutted with satellite surviellance. I
pointed out that we could read a poker hand via computer enhancement. This
visibly shook her. Escrowed encryption is completely unnecessary, and she
had no rebuttal for this. My information on satellite resolution came from
a physicist who worked at JPL.
I shook Dr. Denning's hand and wished her luck. She either reads everything
I post, or was briefed beforehand. She was quite familiar with me. She
couldn't believe I would discuss classified information on satellite resolution
in casual conversation. The USAF hand in attendance was as smooth as sandpaper
as well. As soon as I mentioned SDI, he shot over to evesdrop on the
conversation I was having with Eli Nixon, et al.
All and all, a fun time in Boulder. e
Version: 2.3a
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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