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Re: anti-clipper t-shirt

On Mon, 25 Apr 1994 iplus1hope@aol.com wrote:

> I am amazed at the response to the anti-clipper t-shirt we created. If you

Speaking of T-shirts...is the gentleman who was producing the other 
shirt (the 1984 shirt) acknowledging orders?  I sent my check, address, 
adn e-mail address, and haven't heard a peep...if he's not, that's 
fine...I was just under the impression that he was, which makes me wonder 
if Big Brother's postal minion lost my order somewhere along the way...

Sorry to address this to the whole list, but I've lost his address.

Andrew Fabbro                   If laws are outlawed,     
weltschmerz@umich.edu           only outlaws will            
University of Michigan          have laws.  Fnord.          
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