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Re: taming the wild pgp

Matt Thomlinson <phantom@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> I can only think of one way around it -- recompiling with the
> key-adding procedure commented out (at least for the version
> the remailer uses). If you need to add keys, use the version
> you've already compiled.

Couldn't you just modify your remailer to search for the string "BEGIN
PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" and dump the message if it finds it?  Or will PGP
recognize if even if it doesn't have that header...?
Anyway, PGP puts ID bytes at the beginning of its files, and in
ascii-armor, public keys always begin with mQ and crypted messages begin
with hE or hI.  You could probably just dump the message if the first
line of the ASCII-armoring began with mQ...