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Re: Wow, what a key!

Ed Carp says:
> > As I've mentioned previously to people, there is an actual, live,
> > honest to god RFC for doing authentication and encryption of telnet
> > sessions, and the 4.4 BSD release contains the actual, honest to god
> > code. I would suggest looking at that before reinventing the wheel.
> > All sites ought to support it -- its a big win.
> Well, last time I looked for it, I couldn't find it.  And doesn't it use DES?

The RFC doesn't specify an encryption system. Its been a while since
I've looked at the Cray code.

> What does it use for key exchange?

I don't believe the Cray implementation had a key exchange system, but
I believe that hooks for one were present in the protocol.

> I'd also have to hack it quite a bit to port it to linux, I think.

I believe Linux has a fairly conventional sockets library.

In any case, Jim Thompson has promised us an improved version of the
code, so I'd wait for his hacks...
