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Want to run a pgp key server?

The new pgp keyserver code which was being tested at wasabi.io.com for a few
months seems to be fairly stable.  If anyone else is interested in running
a server like this, the sources are available from wasabi's ftp area:

It's not particularly intelligently packaged for ease of installation,
so anyone who wants to try it should be reasonably fluent with C and
used to porting packages from system to system.  At the moment it's only
known to work for sure on BSDI unix.

In the tar file you'll also find 'procmail', and some perl scripts
for doing ftp mirroring.

You'll need about 6Mb free in total while installing.

Keeping your server running will involve about 3Mb of daily ftp updates,
so you probably don't want to run this from a dial-up site :-)

This server does *not* use pgp at all, so you ought to be safe from
hassles from PKP.  Just remember, you're *publishing* information...

Mail me at this address if you try to install it, please.

The Mgt.