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Rights are on the CP agenda

"Jim Sewell - KD4CKQ" <jims@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>
> Sorry for helping to promote an indepth discussion of a topic only marginally
> inline with c'punks.  Yo!  Everyone!  Carry this thread on in private, please.
> It is a very valid discussion, but not one for all c'punks.

While public housing projects may not be on the CP agenda, the confict between
a mob-like majority willing, in order 'to reduce crime,' to impinge on the 
rights of minorities with different opinions is *definitely* something to 
discuss here. If enough criminals start using PGP, there may well be similar
pressure in favour of Clipper.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh                            "What is civilisation
rishab@dxm.ernet.in                             but a ribonucleic
Voicemail +91 11 3760335; Vox/Fax/Data 6853410      hangover?"
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