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Re: Clipper hearings rescheduled - May 3 1994!

>> Both the Senate and House Clipper/Digital Telephony hearings will be held
>> almost back-to-back on the same date.  See ftp.eff.org
>> /pub/Alerts/clip-dt.alert for more info.
>I can't ftp without some pain right now; is the C-Span e-mail address
>in the info packet?  It'd be nice to send them some mail and express
>our urgent desire to see these.

According to the C-Span gopher:
     cspanviewr@aol.com (they check this more often)

My message is going out to them tonight.

Jose M. daLuz                  | Voice:    (508) 996-6101 
KnowledgeQuest Online Research | Fax:      (508) 996-6215 
Internet: jmdaluz@kquest.com   | MCI Mail:       639-1229