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Re: Internet Relay Chat
On Mon, 25 Apr 1994 rishab@dxm.ernet.in wrote:
> I've noticed some discussions of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), both as a possible
> model for CP interactions, as well as a location for implementations of
> BlackNet (in #wares, etc.)
> Note that IRC, unlike MUDS, has been designed to ensure 'true-names'. While
> you do use nicknames, anyone can find out the machine name and user ID you are
> logged in from, with a /whois. Anytime you join or leave a channel, your full
> machine name and user ID is displayed to everyone, along with your nick. This
> is different from any (possibly pseudonymous) e-mail address you register for
> incoming mail.
Fraid not....it's a trivial matter to fake the username, and if yer a
smart cookie, faking the hostname is just as easy.
> In #wares, people typically trade names of unauthorised FSP sites (such as the
> one in the LaMacchia case), which normally remain active for less than a few
> weeks. Though entry to IRC channels can be by invitation only, everyone knows
> everyone else's real (in the sense of machine and ID) identity.
actually....the people on #warez (not -s, -z) just sit around and discuss
how eLEeT!@#!@$! they are, then kick everyone off, hardly a revolutionary
\|/ wozz@wozz.ext.tufts.edu Matthew Cable
<0-0> wozzeck@mindvox.phantom.com MTUC Jackson Labs
----o00-O-00o----- http://www.cs.tufts.edu/~mcable/ Tufts University
GCS/MU -d+ -p+ c++++ l++ u++ e+ m++(*) s++ !n h+ f* g+ w++ t+ r- y+