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A couple of my neighbors and I were talking about setting up a
short-distance radio LAN (we talked about just running coax, but one
of them is across a street and about 60 yds down, we don't want to
buy/lease rights-of-way, etc). While I know my way around a soldering
iron, I haven't designed a circuit in 10 years, and even then they
weren't terribly complicated. Pointers to commercially available
hardware or kit plans would be appreciated.
Lyle Transarc 707 Grant Street
412 338 4474 The Gulf Tower Pittsburgh 15219
"Gossip is what makes the world go round. I have very few secrets.
I would be deeply concerned if a device were marketed that could stop
interception..." Emma Nicholson, MP.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: punknet
- From: Matthew J Ghio <mg5n+@andrew.cmu.edu>