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Re: Milgram & Authority
<In mail Blanc Weber said:>
> From: Timothy C. May
> If we go down the path of worrying about "psychic pain" inflicted on
> others, then how can we operate in a world of failed marriages and
> relationships, of hurt feelings, and of other such psychic damages?
> .......................................
> What about the psychic trauma caused by Clipper?
Has the government been covertly working on artificial intelligence
and such? I wasn't aware that we were anywhere NEAR the ability to
incorporate psychic abilities in computer chips! Will Clipper read
our minds as well as our data? Will it plant "You are not a crook"
thoughts in our heads? What does the government plan to do with
such a chip? Will they prevent crimes before they happen? Will the
psychic impressions gathered by the Clipper be admissible in court?
[Insert smileys to taste, simmer for 15 minutes, then throw the
whole kettle soup out since it's only a joke. Obviously they
meant psychological trauma etc.]
ObCrypt: Has anyone heard of work in the area of encrypting all information
on a computer and build the authentication software into the
operating system so the only practical chance of intrusion is a
forgetful operator?
Tantalus Inc. Jim Sewell Amateur Radio: KD4CKQ
P.O. Box 2310 Programmer Internet: jims@mpgn.com
Key West, FL 33045 C-Unix-PC Compu$erve: 71061,1027
(305)293-8100 PGP via email on request.
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