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Re: Information on Internet/Cryptology
Yeah, the Internet is awfully big these days. (I started reading Usenet
in the early 1980s when there was less than 1/2 MB per day of news and
you could really read it all at 1200 baud :-) It's busier now...)
For cryptography, the interesting places I know of are:
- Usenet newsgroups: sci.crypt is the main technical crypto newsgroup
talk.politics.crypto is the main random-discussion newsgroup
alt.privacy.clipper is intended for Clipper discussions
alt.privacy is a general-purpose priovacy newsgroup (there are others.)
alt.security.pgp is for discussion of PGP and how to use it
- cypherpunks mailing list (send mail to cypherpunks-request@toad.com
to get help) is a fairly buysy (25-50 msgs/day) mailing list
which deals with topics like writing crypto code, discussing protocols,
using crypto to build privacy, political activism, etc.
Signal/Noise ratio is usually pretty good.
- ftp sites (file transfer protocol - log on as "anonymous", password=yourlogin,
rsa.com - RSA's ftp site
ftp.funet.fi - Finnish University Network ftp site, where most
of the interesting code that's outside the US goes.
garbo.uwasa.fi - Another good site in Finland; I think the name's right.
ftp.csua.berkeley.edu (formerly soda.berkeley.edu) - home of the
cypherpunks ftp archives
ftp.eff.org - Electronic Frontier Foundation's ftp includes some
crypto discussions
There's also the World Wide Web, which I don't currently have software for,
so I don't know if there are good Web sites yet (I've seen a lot of Web
addresses go by, but most seem to really be ftp sites.)
For finding code, "archie" is useful - telnet to ds.internic.net or archie.ans.net
or archie.rutgers.edu , log in as archie, no password, and then type help
to find out how to use it - it tells you where to find code for ftp.
(Most archie sites actually tell you "There are too many users on
right now, here's a list of other archie sites", and you randomly
pick one in Korea or Israel or somewhere that's not too busy :-)
Good luck!
# Bill Stewart AT&T Global Information Solutions, aka NCR Corp
# 6870 Koll Center Parkway, Pleasanton CA, 94566 Phone 1-510-484-6204 fax-6399
# email bill.stewart@pleasantonca.ncr.com billstewart@attmail.com
# ViaCrypt PGP Key IDs 384/C2AFCD 1024/9D6465