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Re: The un-BBS

On Wed, 27 Apr 1994, Jim Sewell wrote:
>   My contention is that a signature, while encrypted, is not encrypted
>   to obscure the meaning.  It says it is a sig, it is a sig, and contains
>   no other information that is not readily available (email addresses can
>   be included, but it is retrievable with a commonly available program PGP.)

A randomized signature or signature with random padding can be used as a 
subliminal channel...  (insert creepy music here :-)

-- Rolf

Rolf Michelsen         Phone:  +47 73 59 87 33
SINTEF DELAB           Email:  rolf.michelsen@delab.sintef.no
7034 Trondheim         Office: C339
Norway                 "On the internet nobody knows you're a dog"