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Re: Schneier's source code

Phil Karn <karn@qualcomm.com> wrote:

> I'm *still* waiting for a response to my CJ request for this disk.
> They either ignore my calls or put me off with "it's coming soon",
> but it's now almost May and I still don't have an official ruling
> on my "15-day" request, which was filed in early March.

How long did your original request take?  It could be that they're just
being slow as usual, or you've got them in a tough position and they
don't know what to do.  If the latter, my guess is that they'll delay it
as long as possible, but eventually approve it.  Here's why: if they
deny it, they're setting themselves up as a target for a lawsuit that
they'll likely lose.  If they lose the lawsuit, it will basically be the
end of most crypto regulation.  If they approve it, however, although it
will be a setback, they could claim the power to deny requests in the
future (even though the set precedent makes it less likely that they

I'm curious as to what your plan of action would be if it is denied. 
Have you asked the EFF or other groups about their willingness to
provide legal funding for this?