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NSA snobs.

<In mail Julietta said:>
> Stevens Miller wrote:
  [ Stuart Baker's (of the NSA) comments deleted ]

> 	We obviously need to respond to this sort of tactic with some P.R.
> work of our own. 

> I am sure that plenty of you all can write- we should make sure the word
> gets out to the masses reagrding the true nature of the Net and regarding
> the Clipper isssue in particular, now that we know what tactic the NSA is 
> going to take.

 I agree with Julie that we need some P.R. for this.  I also think we
 should do it by writing and getting the word out.  

 However, I think we should form a small informal group of people seriously
 interested in putting together a well thought out document that is factual
 and without emotional flair that a member of the press would respect, could
 understand, and might pass on to the public.

 I want to propose that this small group develop a document to the best of
 their abilities, refine it, and when they think it is ready post it to the
 list for a "final lookover".

 I am willing to organize the initial document work if there is interest.
 If you think you'd like to help with the first stages of this "PR Kit"
 please contact me via email.  If there is sufficient interest I will let
 the rest of the list know and we can communicate via email to keep the
 list traffic down at first.  When we have it's first form then everyone
 on the list will have a chance to comment before it is mailed out.  If
 you think this is a good idea and want to help then let me know.  ALSO,
 if you just think this is a good idea but would rather not help build
 the initial document, let me know anyway so I can gauge interest in it.

 While I applaud the efforts of Jeff Davis with his mass mailings I feel
 a newsperson might be tempted to dismiss him offhand since he is one 
 person.  If this is put together by the group and we let the press know
 we are programmers, lawyers, physicists, real estate salespeople, etc.
 etc. etc. and include the name (email address/pseudonym/etc) of anyone
 on the list who wishes to be named then we will have a better chance of
 being taken seriously.

 Let me know what you think,
 Tantalus Inc.			Jim Sewell      Amateur Radio: KD4CKQ
 P.O. Box 2310		    Programmer           Internet: jims@mpgn.com
 Key West, FL 33045	    C-Unix-PC          Compu$erve: 71061,1027
 (305)293-8100 						     PGP via email on request. 
 1K-bit Fingerprint: 8E 14 68 90 37 87 EF B3  C4 CF CD 9A 3E F9 4A 73