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Date sent: 28-APR-1994 

I am currently getting together resources for a research paper on the
growth of encryption systems, from enigma to present day. Part of the
paper will examine the direction taken by encryption schemes in the
future (with particular reference to the likely acceleration of
computing power, greater need for personal privacy, etc etc)

The paper will be written from the viewpoint of an encryption-aware
programmer, rather than that of an expert cryptanalyst! Plenty of
example code and practical applications will form the backbone of this
study, not pages of mathematics. 

Are there any papers currently circulating dealing with the future of
encryption? Has anyone else on this list already investigated this area,
I'd appreciate any information you can submit (ftp addrs?), via this
mailing list or private email if you wish.

System Operator of Psycho BBS,                        +44 483 418467 HST/v32bis
Archimedes and PC shareware                       sis2209@sisvax.sis.port.ac.uk
885Mb online                                         huttonnc@axpvms.pa.dec.com