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Re: Paranoia
>I personally can't think of any reason for an elite fighting force to
>be stationed in an area of urban sprawl.
Uh, last time I checked, the most recent two conflicts the U.S. may
be getting involved in or got involved in were in Mogudishu and
in urban areas in the former Yugoslavia. Not to mention the urban
environment of Seoul. Whether you're a hawk or a dove, the fact is,
the US has been, might be, or just plain is (if there's a war in
Korea) committed to conflicts where there's going to be combat in
an urban or "suburban" area. You might debate the wisdom of our
overseas commitments, etc., but if you think we should have an army
that should have as its hope of survival the idea that the enemy will
always be fighting in rural areas, you're foolish in the extreme, and
if you implement those ideas you will kill a great many of your own
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Paranoia
- From: paul@hawksbill.sprintmrn.com (Paul Ferguson)