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REMAIL: Logging turned off
The BSU remailers are behaving very well lately. So I am going to
turn off the complete message logging again. It appears that adding
Anon-To did the trick. Anyone with problems remailing through either
nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu or remailer@chaos.bsu.edu should first check the
following finger information before giving up:
Any requests for help or information will be referred to these
finger addresses. If you cannot finger, send an e-mail message to
remailer.help@chaos.bsu.edu and it will mail you a personalized copy of
the same file. :)
Questions, problems, and complaints that can't be solved with the help
info provided should be addressed to remailer-admin@chaos.bsu.edu. By
the way, there is lots more information available from chaos via finger.
Try fingering remailer@chaos.bsu.edu for a list of other account names to
finger. For example, remailer.policy@chaos.bsu.edu...
Happy remailing!
Chael Hall, nowhere@chaos.bsu.edu