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PGP Question:
Friday April 29 1994 01:52, Derek Atkins wrote:
DA> From: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
DA> Subject: Re: PGP Question:
DA> Message-Id: <9404282352.AA07123@toxicwaste.media.mit.edu>
DA> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 19:52:01 EDT
DA> The point is that someone shouldn't NEED to revoke their key if all
DA> they are doing is changing their email address.
Right, that's the point indeed.
DA> What if the binding of the userID is a result of a position that you
DA> hold... For example, I am the owner of a company and I sign people's
DA> identifiers, saying that they are employees of mine, and possibly what
DA> their position is. Now say I fire someone, I want to be able to
DA> revoke my signature since the binding is no longer valid! But I
DA> shouldn't need to force them to generate a new key.
But here I disagree. Should one wish to use PGP to assert something *other*
than that a certain PGP public key really belongs to someone, then write a
message and sign *that*. I'm not sure if I really understand you here, your
phrasing ("people's identifiers") is a bit unclear.
CU, Sico (sico@aps.hacktic.nl).
[PGP public key:]
bits/keyID Date User ID
1024/5142B9 1992/09/09 Sico Bruins <Fido: 2:280/404>
Key fingerprint = 16 9A E1 12 37 6D FB 09 F6 AD 55 C6 BB 25 AC 25
(InterNet: sico@aps.hacktic.nl)