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Privacy Postage

Here's a suggestion for the remailer operators who log usage.  When it comes
time to create a dummy message for traffic spoofing, loop it N steps through
the remailer web and have it end up at a randomly selected message sender's
address.  I suggest weighting the selection according to the number of messages
the sender has sent.  Since the dummy is encrypted anyway, this will also help
the people using the remailers to spoof traffic analysis attempts as well.

Combined with random delay, this should make life a little more hellish for
anyone analyzing the traffic, as the dummies will no longer be distinguishable
by being eventually swallowed by a remailer.

The minor inconvenience of occasionally having an unwanted postage stamp
clutter one's mailbox is just the price of doing business with the remailer.

Hell, I'll even design a nice ascii postage stamp file for anyone who decides
to implement this.
