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Re: Did anyone see...
Dan Harmon <[email protected]> writes:
> If you find out anything would you please post it to the
> list? This is very curious.
D.C. Williams remembered the thread and Emailed me a copy.
(Thanks D.C.) It was in alt.security.pgp which is why I couldn't
find it. I was looking in sci.math for something with the word
"prime" in the title. :)
I quote the interesting sections below.
Nick Gilling begins by asking:
> Is there a formula for calculating primes?
Gareth McCaughan responds:
> Well... yes, actually, but not a useful one.
> For instance: "Wilson's theorem" says that if p is prime
> then (p-1)! is congruent to -1, modulo p. And you can check
> that if p isn't prime then (p-1)! is congruent to 0 modulo p
> (i.e., is a multiple of p).
> So, writing [x] for "integer part of x", ((p-1)! -
> [(p-1)!/p].p)/(p-1) is 1 if p is prime and 0 if p is
> composite. So summing this thing will give you a formula for
> the number of primes <= any given number; and I'm sure
> there's a "formulaic" way to invert this to give you the
> n'th prime for any n.
> Alternatively, there is a polynomial of degree
> something-very-large in about 26 variables with the
> property that when you plug integers into it you get either
> a negative number or a prime; and every prime arises as some
> value of it. (In fact, for any computable property of
> positive integers, there is a polynomial in lots of
> variables such that the values it takes are {some load of
> negative numbers} together with {positive integers with the
> required property}. This is a Deep Theorem.)
> Alternatively, I suspect there is some sort of thing
> involving contour integrals and the Riemann zeta function.
James Kilfiger then expands:
> Actually it a little more interesting than this. First a
> disclaimer, I'm writing from memory and may be wrong on
> details If you want to see more a truly wonderful book is
> "The Little book of BIG primes" By Riemboiem (I've spelt
> this wrong) published by Springer-Verlag.
> This book as a section on prime number formulae, There is a
> famous class of polynomials {P(x)}, tend to be large (the
> classic one has 26 variables and has degree 25) With the
> exellent property of {all positive values taken by
> P(x)}={all positive primes}. The existance of such
> polynomials is gaurrenteed by results stemming from
> Hilbert's 10th. Also There is a number \theta with
> 3^\theta^n (or some similar formula, remeber I'm quoting
> from memory) being prime for all values of n, unfortuantly
> we can't calculate \theta, but its quite small. (if somebody
> can correct me on the formula I'd be grateful)
Gareth McCaughan then cites the following reference:
> By an amusing coincidence, when I went into our
> departmental library to look for a reference, there on the
> "new accessions" shelf was a book all about Hilbert's tenth
> problem. So, here's a reference.
> Matiyasevich, Yuri V. "Hilbert's 10th Problem" (MIT Press,
> 1993; in their "Foundations of Computing" series) section
> 3.4, at end.
> For those who are wondering how on earth it's done, here's
> a *very* brief sketch. In everything that follows
> polynomials have integer coefficients, and variables range
> over non-negative integers, which I shall call "natural
> numbers".
> Observation number 1: Suppose we have a set A of natural
> numbers, and a polynomial P such that: there exist
> x1,x2,..,xm with P(a,x1,..,xm)=0 iff a is in A. Then there
> is a polynomial Q such that the natural number values of
> Q(x0,..,xm) are just the elements of A. PROOF: put
> Q(x0,..,xm) = (x0+1)(1-P(x0,..,xm)^2)-1 and notice that if P
> isn't zero there, we get something negative, and if P is
> zero we get x0.
> Difficult Theorem number 1: There is a polynomial E such
> that there exist x1,x2,..,xm with E(a,b,c,x1,..,xm)=0 if and
> only if a^b=c.
> Observation number 2: So it's enough to find an
> "exponential polynomial" (i.e., we allow variables as
> exponents) such that there exist x1,..,xm with
> P(a,x1,..,xm)=0 if and only if a is prime.
> Difficult Theorem number 2: We can "do" the operations
> "factorial" and "greatest common divisor" with exponential
> polynomials.
> Easier Theorem: p is prime iff the greatest common divisor
> of p and (p-1)! is 1. (See a posting I made earlier in this
> thread.)
> Conclusion: We can "do" primality with an exponential
> polynomial, and hence with a normal polynomial.
> Annoying Fact: The numbers do get *very* large. I do not
> recommend trying to generate primes with this method. I
> haven't done the calculations, but I suspect that getting
> the prime 5 might require more computing resources than you
> have available.
> More details are in Matiyasevich's book. (Matiyasevich did
> a large fraction of the work required to prove all this and
> much more. He knows what he is talking about.)
Victor S. Miller, [who I suspect is the same Victor S. Miller I
knew at UMass Boston many years ago], published a nifty little
paper in the mid 1980's on the computation of the function Pi(n)
which gives the Nth prime as a function of N. He had a table
giving the (10^N)th prime for n={3,6,9,12,15,18,...} which was
quite impressive. Calculating the correct value for the
zillionth prime directly is a cute bit of mathematics.
Mike Duvos $ PGP 2.6 Public Key available $
[email protected] $ via Finger. $