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Geek of the Week (fwd)

OK.  I do remember the earlier discussion about forwarding material to the
list, but this is forwarding a pointer to data, which I hope is OK. :-)

I get my talk radio files from ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/talk-radio,
although you may want to check the ITR FAQ for a closer location.  (Th FAQ
should be on rtfm.mit.edu)


>Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 04:03:15 -0400
>To: "Announcements" <[email protected]>
>From: "Internet Multicasting Service" <[email protected]>
>Org: Internet Multicasting Service
>Subject: Geek of the Week
>Status: RO
>The MIME-Version header has been deleted from this message to permit
>interoperability with a larger number of mailers.
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0
>Content-Type: application/x-program-listing
>Content-ID: <[email protected]>
>Station:  Internet Multicasting Service
>Channel:  Internet Talk Radio
>Program:  Geek of the Week
>Content:  Steve Crocker
>Carl Malamud interviews Steve Crocker, a newly elevated member of the
>Internet Architecture Board and a leading contributor in efforts to
>provide a security infrastructure for the Internet.  Crocker discusses
>PEM, Clipper, DSS, PKP, and other important security acronyms.
>Geek of the Week is made possible by the sponsors of Internet Multicasting
>Service, including O'Reilly & Associates, Sun Microsystems, and Interop
>Company.  Additional support is provided by NASA, Cisco Systems, Harper
>Collins, Persoft, Tadpole Technology, and WAIS Inc.  Network connectivity
>for the Internet Multicasting Service is provided by UUNET Technologies and
>by MFS Datanet.
>Cassette tapes of Geek of the Week are available from O'Reilly & Associates.
>Send electronic mail to [email protected] or point your WWW Viewer to the
>Global Network Navigator (http://nearnet.gnn.com/gnn/gnn.html).
>ITR Program Files:
>Size           Name                      Description
>==========     ======================    =======================
>14,771,098     071594_geek_01_ITR.au     Steve Crocker
>               071594_geek_ITR.readme    (This File)
>To learn about the Internet Multicasting Service, send your electronic
>mail to [email protected].
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----- =_aaaaaaaaaa1"
>Content-ID: <[email protected]>
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa1
>Content-Type: message/external-body;
>        access-type="anon-ftp";
>        name="071594_geek_ITR.readme";
>        site="$SITE"; directory="$DIRECTORY"
>Content-Type: text/plain
>Content-ID: <[email protected]>
>Content-Description: Readme (This File)
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa1
>Content-Type: message/external-body;
>        access-type="anon-ftp";
>        name="071594_geek_01_ITR.au"; size="14771098";
>        mode="image"; site="$SITE"; directory="$DIRECTORY"
>Content-Type: audio/basic
>Content-ID: <[email protected]>
>Content-Description: Steve Crocker
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa1--
>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0--

Bob Snyder N2KGO                                     MIME, RIPEM mail accepted
[email protected]                       finger for RIPEM public key
         When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.