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Re: Big Brother database


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>Mr. Martin also observed that, while existing Justice Information
>databases are now used only for law-enforcement, firearms licensing, 
>and "national security purposes,"  he envisions that the new 
>database could be expanded in its uses to include "non-criminal justice" 

Oh, hot diggety.

>Why should I have to provide fingerprint identification on demand to 

'cause they'll shoot you or toss you in jail if you don't?

>What are the "national security" applications of existing databases?

Finding out which spys in the CIA have been deducting payments on their new

>Imagine all the potential "non-criminal justice" applications for the
>new database.

Child support, vagrancy, alimony, using cash instead of plastic, parking
tickets, income taxes, state taxes, municipal taxes, tax taxes,
environmental terrorism (remember that tree in your yard you cut down?),
jaywalking, having a hole in your sneakers, picking your nose, Un-American
activities (ie, disagreeing with the Kongress), Tax Fraud (ie, trying not to
give any more your money than you have to to the Tax Gestapo), reading books
on the Prohibited Publications List, Violation of National Health Policy
(ie, eating junk food, or otherwise placing an 'undue burden' on the
National Health Kare System), and any other kind of mopery and dopery they
can think up.
If you can think of it or do it, they'll make it illegal, immoral, or
Socially Irresponsible.

>What happens when this database gets linked up to the "citizen 
>tracking and employment eligibility" database under construction?

grab your ankles.

>Do we then have a de facto (cardless) national ID?  I think so.

You got it, Bunky.

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