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Broadcasts and the Rendezvous Problem
Seems to me that one of the fundamental building blocks necessary to
a host of anonymous services is a means of rendezvousing in a manner that
is not vulnerable to traffic analysis.
The obvious solution to this is through the use of a broadcast medium.
Has anybody created an alt.* group purely for remailer-associated
If not, it seems like that would be a very worthwhile direction to pursue:
with such a mechanism, nodes of a "remailer net" can surface and disappear
with minimal disruption to the net.
Folks spend a lot of time bemoaning the transience of specific instances
of remailer nodes: why not turn this into an advantage by architecting
a network of system that is resilient against the destruction and/or
compromise of individual nodes?
- --
Todd Masco | "'When _I_ use a word,' Humpty-Dumpty said, in a rather
[email protected] | scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean -
[email protected] | neither more nor less.'" - Lewis Carroll
- ---
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