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Re: MIME (again)
On Wed, 14 Dec 1994, L. McCarthy wrote:
> I'm using a version of ELM which claims to be MIME-compliant and usually is,
> but all I saw in Peter Cassidy's message was a collection of random-looking
> extended-ASCII characters. Usually when something arrives in a locally-
> unsupported MIME format (like Amanda's GIF a while back), I just get an
> "unrecognized format" error message. I didn't see any error messages at all
> this time, just a meaningless jumble of characters (different, incidentally,
> from the PGP-cipherptext-like characters Tim quoted).
Thats what that thing was susposed to be. I got the same things with
pine, which I know is susposed to be mime aware. Anyway all this talk
about it gave me an idea. A PGP mime extention, where your mail says that
you have a PGP encoded message, enter secret pass phrase to contiue. I
think this would do a couple of things
First get PGP installed on more machines. Sys Admins who install
MIME aware applications would almost be required to install PGP
beacuse it is a part of MIME.
Secone more people would be introduced to PGP. The first time they
use a MIME aware application ie. PINE they would be given a
message that they do not have a public/private key set up, ect.
That time could be used to explain the basics of encryption,
public/private key's, and security issuse of using PGP.
Third PGP would be more frequently used beacuse it would be right
there with there E-Mail, ect. It would not require as much work
to set up beacuse the programs could prompt to do things
... Do you want to encrypt this E-Mail with the recipiants public
key [Yn] ...
Groove on dude
Michael Conlen
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