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Re: FV & PGP (was Re: First Virtual email security)


James D. Wilson said:
>On Thu, 15 Dec 1994 [email protected] wrote:
>> Moreover, if we supported PGP today, we might indirectly lend
>> credibility to what we perceive as the incorrect belief that
>> cryptography is NECESSARY for commerce.  Because we see cryptography as
>> helpful, but not necessary, we aren't going to support PGP right away,
>> but will probably add such support when a large enough portion of our
>> customer base wants it and can make use of it.  
>Without cryptography how exactly are you going to protect my credit card
>numbers from sniffer-snoopers and crackers?  Either you will send the
>credit card text in the clear, or it will be encrypted somehow.  Or perhaps
>you will have customers call you over the phone to give you their credit
>card info?  

I would also like to be convinced on this point.  It seems that it's an
either/or.  Either the info is in the clear, and thus vulnerable, or it's
encrypted, and safer.
- -------------------------------------
Mike Ellsworth
[email protected]
I find television very educating.
  Every time somebody turns on the set,
   I go into the other room and read a book. 		
Groucho Marx (1890-1977)

I'd be foolish to speak for my employer, now, wouldn't I?
- -------------------------------------

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