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International Sports Book

  "Bag Your Bookie..." begins the add for "the world's largest
legalized International Sports Book".  With the optional ATM card, you
can access your winnings within 48 hours of the event, at any ATM.

  Another example of the strength of "speed bumps" on the internet.

  Can the Internet Casino be far behind?  Does anyone want to pitch
digital cash to these folks?  Does anyone want to make some bucks
setting these folks up on the net?  (How big do you think the market
is for a internet sports book?)  For further information you can
"Enroll right now! Call 1-809-462-2279 and talk to one of our sports
agents..."  24/7 I assume.


P.S. It would cost me (US dollars) 1.41(connect charge) + 2.50(calling
card) for the first minute, and 0.97 for each additional minute for me
to call these folks (located in Saint John's Antillees (sp!?)) from
here in Encino, California at 1940 monday via the MCI network.