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Premier Rae of Ontario


A week or so ago I incorrectly referred to Bob Rae as the Prime Minister of
Canada, when he is in fasct the Premier of the Province of v Ontario.

As a former resident of OttOttawa, I'm well aware of the division of Canada
into provinces. I misunderstood not the nature of the office itself, but
rather the identity of the individual involved.

I appreciate being corrected, but now I *have* been corrected, I really
don't need any more mail about the issue.


BTW this message is full of typos because I'm using a typically lousy
terminal emulator program on dialup from a PC to a Unix system, which does
not offer any support (AFAIK) for the crucially-important backspace key/
character. Suggestions on any sort of packasge offering an improvement
would be welcomed. The ones I have now offer me heaps of fancy features
I never use, and hold my hand through many parts where I don't need it.
Incompatible standards sauck.  This is very annoying so I'm getting out

(Not signing because this connection is terrible)
- -L. Futplex McCarthy
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